Raise your hand if you knew nothing about purchasing a house, or lawyers or fees or any of that stuff, yet you find yourself in your very own home today. Looking back it was such a journey eh? Learning and scouring the real estate ads and trying to find that perfect house to bid on. As I sit here in my village’s local Cafe, I cant help but smile at the fact that just short of 9 months ago, we purchased our first home. It wasn’t all perfect like how I made it seem to my following, there were many rocky roads and huge pot holes we dodged. We wouldn’t of been able to navigate through that season without our parents, family members and our faith that one day it would all just work itself out. Everything happens for a reason right, and boy let me tell you, I was MEANT to stumble across The Morganston House that chilly November day in 2016.

It all started with a concrete plant stand..

Without boring you with all of the fine details, finding 3901 was a bit of a love-at-first-sight without really knowing it. My Mom was off work for awhile from August to November, her last day off she requested we go antiquing and of course, she knew all the hot spots to hit. So off we went to Warkworth, and then to a quaint 4 corner stop just south of the town called Morganston. She knew of a sweet old man’s antique shop (you’ll get to know him soon!) that was right on the corner. We were so saddened to see he was closed for the day, but as we slowed down to park at his shop, we noticed another home had opened up an antique storefront. So we decided to head back up the hill and check it out. Of course they were closed as well, but the sweet man was mowing the grass and let us in to take a peek at his wife’s business. Yes, that is the first time I stepped into 3901.

We had a quick browse and thanked him dearly for letting us in. Mom had her eyes on a concrete stand for her garden, but she decided to pass. So back in the Jeep and off we went to our next destination. It was a lovely day with Mom & Dad!

Our first Open House

Now fast forward a few months into the spring. Brandon & I were getting serious about looking for a house, and we decided the Trent Hills area was our best bet to be in the ‘middle’ of everything we had going on in our lives. Brandon had accepted a job at the time in Picton County so we knew we had to keep that top priority. So off we went on a Saturday in March 2017 to our first open house in Warkworth. Aaaand let me know tell ya. It was a DUMP. But holy heck, we could hardly move in the place. We were 1 of 20 young couples going through the house trying to figure out if we should bid and what we should bid. Brandon and I weren’t getting that ‘feeling’ and it did need a lot of work, we decided to pass and continue on into the village for a Lucky Stars Coffee and a stroll through some unique shops. We found ourselves at a newer shop in the village Mom and I were instantly attracted to. Upon our browsing, mom stumbled across a concrete stand for her garden. She tapped me on the shoulder and said, Sam this looks exactly like the stand from when we stopped in that house in November, do you remember? Sure enough, it was the same stand. Now bless my Mother for she is so eager and the most confident women in the world, she went right up to the lady at the desk and asked if this shop used to be at the House in Morganston. The lady then replied well yes, she has moved her shop here in downtown Warkworth and is now selling The Morganston House. Mom nearly fell over and I was just playing catch up.. I was like Mom what’s the big deal? She said Sam, I bet that house will go up for sale quick, maybe you can talk to her before she lists it! I told her she was crazy, no way I was going to be able to afford that beautiful Century Farmhouse. But my dear Mother asked anyway and the sweet lady behind the counter said, now just wait one minute, ill call her and see! She told us to come back in 20 minutes and she would find out for us.

The Fairytale ending!

So you guys. If you could write down a fairytale ending to this story – I bet you it would be very similar to how it actually happened. That farmhouse was right in our price range, and going on the market the next week. We had to act fast, so we got right to work in preparing ourselves to view the house thoroughly and get our finances in order. The moment I stepped back into that house, took my shoes off and felt the hardwood floors under my feet. It felt like home. There was no way I was letting this house slip through our fingers without a huge fight. Sure it needed work, another bathroom, laundry, new windows, installation. But the bones of that house – were solid. And it was like it was speaking to us and made us feel safe and protected. So away we went, we put in our bid and I wrote a letter to the owners confessing our love and vision for this sweet farmhouse.

Are you still with me? I sure hope so. I’m wrapping up soon I promise! I’m going to get more into detail about buying your first home [see here] but that 24 hours after the open house waiting and waiting if your bid got accepted was pure evil… but my Uncle finally called us (who was our realtor) and told us we had to bid higher. It was down to us and one other bid. We had no idea what we were up against, so we went higher. All I could think of was how could I let this house go from my heart if we didn’t get it? I’d always compare every house to it? I looked at Brandon and said lets go for it. We HAVE to get this house. 5 minutes later, it was OURS! Just like that. We jumped for joy and celebrated. But, there was still a road ahead…

Upon closing day we were all ready (literately.. I had the paint cans in my trunk already!) but yet again another challenge was put in our path. There was some documents that got lost and weren’t up to date regarding some of the systems within the house, so we had to hunt those down. And then since that took longer then expected, we may not of got the keys until the following week. But the sweet assistant at the lawyers office, saw our heartbreak and helped us get our keys! I never have ripped open an envelope so fast in my life. We had our house key! Our freaking house key!!! We drove so fast to my parents, surprised them with the keys.. so we carpooled out to the house. We opened our front door, and just started dreaming. It was May 19th 2017, the sun was shining, the blooms were starting to pop. Little did that house know that a whole lot of new life was being breathed into it that day. We just walked the house and the property and let the dreaming begin. We had accomplished our goal that we had set what felt like years ago. But there we were. Champagne in tow. Just us and our Morganston House. Ready to begin a new chapter together.

Talk soon! Sam xx