Okay friends.. its November and my energy is somewhere between low and reeeeal low. It’s crunch time in my neck of the woods here between Coaching, getting prepared for my business’s Christmas rush, trying to keep up with my full time jobs busy season all while trying to enjoy my first Christmas season in our new home. I’m all about quick easy energy snacks to have in my lunch bag or in the fridge ready when  hunger strikes, and I want to share it with all of you! Now I know this recipe is beginning to become a popular one.. but I just had to share with you today! It’s toooo easy and soooo yummy. You just have to try it for your busy life!

Protein No-Bake Balls


1 1/2 cups old fashion oats

1/2 cup natural peanut butter

1/3 cup natural almond butter

1/4 cup honey

2 tbsp. Coconut Oil (liquid form is easiest!) or 1/3 cup of coconut flakes

1 tsp Vanilla extract

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 of your favourite seeds (3 or 4) – mine are: Sunflower, Flax, Chai, Chopped walnuts etc

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips (or white chocolate, butterscotch – whatever your fave is!)

1/3 cup your favourite dried fruit chopped – mine is cranberries!


1. Combine all your dried ingredients into a medium mixing bowl

2. Combine all your wet ingredients into a very large sized bowl

3. Integrate your dry ingredients into your wet ingredient mixture, stirring upon each addition of dry ingredient.

4. Combine with a wooden spoon until everything is mixed and forms in to a big ball of mixture. Touch with your hands, if the mixture is too wet and multiple ingredients stick your to your palm, it may need a bit more oats. You want to make sure you can roll out your balls without getting stickiness everywhere!

5. Using a ice cream scooper (or your hands like me!) Start rolling out your protein balls into your desired size. Place in air tight container with parchment paper down, and in between layers.

6. Store in fridge for 4 hours or overnight to firm up, and then grab as you need them! They work best slightly chilled, so I keep mine in the fridge. That way by the time I might need one by mid morning, they are still intact 🙂

Enjoy! Make sure to gave me if you try these out and put your own spin on them!

Talk soon, Sam xx