It’s the first day of Fall! I don’t know about you but I’m ready for some cooler weather and a little break from this crazy hot summer we’ve had here in Ontario. With the first day of Fall I thought it was only proper to share with you all a Festive entryway at #TheMorganstonHouse!! Instead of doing the typical front porch steps full of mums and pumpkins, I took things to our ‘true’ main entrance to our new entrance to the back of our house! You all saw the new back fence and gate project we DIY’d with HomeHardware this summer so I thought I misewell decorate it! So take a peek at our Fall Harvest of pumpkins, mums and all the antique/thrift store finds I found to complete it!

Whenever I think of decorating an outdoor space I think of texture and weather resistant materials to last your season of decorating. For our Fall Entryway I used baskets that I thrifted from Value Village and Yard Sales! Along with a wood crate that I antiqued and blooms I got from our local greenhouse. And don’t forget the beautiful unique Pumpkins I picked up in my travels! Typically I am all about the whites and neutrals for decorating but this year I went colourful! And ya know what.. it feels good!! I went with bright orange mums, orange/white mix of pumpkins of different sizes and varieties and I added some greenery for extra texture with Neon Ivy. This Ivy will be great to bring into our home for the winter to add some greenery when the days are dark and cold!

Alot of you ask me how I find these antique or thrift store pieces. There really is no secret friends.. the only piece of true advice I can give you is to keep at it. If you have an indoor yard sale close to home that is only open Thursday-Saturday you better bet you should be there Thursday AM to get the best finds! You can’t walk into a thrift store or antique store once in a blue moon and expect to find all the good finds! You have to work at it to find those diamonds in the rough! Trust me! Once you have them, you can repurpose them in so many ways! Check out last years Fall blog post here to see how I used these baskets last year too!

Oh I almost forgot… another tip when using Mums. If you bought your mums while its still pretty hot during the day, you have to be careful you don’t fry them! They need water daily. The best thing I ever did was actually plant my mums in a pot bigger then the pot they came in with some more fresh soil. This way they can retain water longer when you’re away at work and it feels like 30 degrees outside!! Try to water your Mums either first in the morning or at sunset!
Hope this has inspired you to add a little touch of fall on your back or front Entryway! Thanks for stopping by the blog today friend, make sure you tag me in your Fall Decor Posts on instagram, I would love to see how you incorporate Fall into your home! Happy First day of Fall!
Talk soon,
Sam xx