I can’t even tell you guys how long i’ve wanted to do this DIY project!! This has been on the list since day one moving into The Morganston House.. and now it is a reality!! I was thrilled to partner with Home Hardware again for another great project.. and let me tell you I was SO impressed with their project design services & more of their materials that I got to use first hand. I’ve already revealed the finished project on my Instagram, but a lot of you asked for a mini step by step process blog post so you could get a little glimpse into a bigger project like this!! Let me first preface with the fact that I have never built a fence before, built a gate or planed out a project like this. I knew I had to source out some help!! I learned that Home Hardware actually offers in store design services for your next project!! By purchasing all of your materials at a Home Hardware, you can go to them with your fence plan, deck plan.. heck even kitchen plan etc and they will map it all out for you and list your materials list!! This was a life saver in knowing exactly what I needed and where to really even begin. So! I’m going to do a quick break down of my process in building this Fence & Gate and all the things you need to know in between so you can feel confident in knowing what a project like this is all about!! PS: you can TOTALLY do something like this too.. I hope this motivates you to add something like this on your summer project list too!!
I measured, researched and planned out what I wanted my backyard entrance to look like. I didnt change a whole lot, but I knew I wanted a gate for privacy and a trellis overtop so my bittersweet vine could grow over top giving it a ‘secret garden’ look! I brought all of this to Home Hardware and they created my plan!
Our inspiration:

Alright.. take a look at what this was before we began the demo!!

Now… the demo begins!!

I cut back our Bittersweet vine at the first sign of spring and it is already thriving now that summer is in full swing.
Oh man… measuring your posts perfectly, making sure they are level before the concrete sets, and in the right spot.. is a tad intimidating! But let me tell ya, measure about a million times, dig your holes (at least 4’ so you are below frost line) and mix that concrete and go for it!! But seriously.. measure a million times and have that level handy!! A little tip from the pros.. use string! And when I say Pros.. I mean my dad!! We screwed string from the barn (about 6’ up the barn where the top of the fence was going to be) to the house and tied it as tight as we could. This was a rough guide to make sure we were hitting the right place within the dug holes and used our level to level off the posts!

And once both were set, we set up some supports for a 24 hour set period!

Now this was the easy part! Once all 4 posts were in place, all it took was some more measuring, leveling and drilling! We used 2x4s for the fence board rails and drilled 6x6x1 fence boards for the fence! I opted for pressure treated wood stained in ‘sienna’ so our fence and gate would last the test of time!! This matches the main posts as well! I’m so happy with this decision rather then having to stain or paint the wood ourselves.

This was probably the EASIEST part – this gate kit was so easy to put together! I highly recommend!

For the gate assembly you definitely need two hands, and for the trellis – ill be honest.. we kind of winged it! We used 6x8x2 boards for the ‘face’ of the trellis and used a hand saw to make the angle cut design! For the top pieces we used 1x1x1 12” cut pieces to add a little something extra on the top! Which i’m glad we did! It gives it a little something something extra! And will be great support for the vine to grow on!
I knew I wanted hanging baskets and some real fun hardware for the gate. All of these I purchased at Home Hardware and go perfectly with our style! I freshened up the gardens and added some Emerald Cedars and fresh black mulch (my fave). This really brought the new backyard entrance to life, and I really hope you guys love it as much as I do!

Kendra Ruffert
Hi,I love the gate,trying to duplicate it and would appreciate the name of the hardware for the hanging baskets and the hardware for the gate,including the tops of the posts,also could you tell me the size of the posts for the trellis and how much space between the trellis and the fence.i was needing to also know how much space to leave between the trellis and the top of the posts.In otherwords the measurements.thanks for everything,also Im not from there so I would need to know the store location where purchased from,I looked online but didnt see hardware.Thanks Kendra